
  Driving under the influence (DUI) is a criminal charge in Pennsylvania.  It can—sometimes, but not always—lead to incarceration.  If you’ve ever seen the billboards that say “DUI—you can’t afford it” –this is true.  DUI cases are expensive—not only in lawyer fees but in all the other fees from the

A DUI or driving under the influence of alcohol can come with some serious outcomes. You can lose your license and can be slapped with those expensive fines. Even worse, you can be put behind the bars.   In this article, we walk through the key things to know about

A first DUI can happen to anyone. Almost always, it was not intentional. The law does not require intent. The law requires that the person intentionally drank, and the person then lives with the consequences of having driven while intoxicated.  If you’re arrested on a first DUI, it is important

Picture this: You had a few drinks in downtown Allentown. You only have a short drive to get home and you feel fine. Suddenly, you bump into someone’s car. The police arrive and talk to you. Then they do some paperwork, and take you to the DUI Center, where you feel confused

Pennsylvania has some of the harshest penalties for DUI charges in the United States.  If you plead guilty to a DUI charge, you cannot get it removed from your record, which means you then have a criminal record. Beyond that, there are heavy costs and fines assessed on you from

Getting a DUI can affect your employment status in many ways. DUI case effects vary from person-to-person. Criminal defense attorneys should be knowledgeable about some of the most significant job considerations. Here are a few: 1. Perform Background Checks: An employer is likely to perform background checks on potential employees